Dear Children’s and Youth Ministry Volunteer or Staff Member,

At Urban Hope Community Church, we believe God has called us to the privilege and responsibility of ministering in relationship with children, students and families. We take that responsibility very seriously and we seek to provide a safe and nurturing environment in which children and students can grow in relationship with Jesus Christ.

The following policies and procedures for staff members and volunteers serving in the Children’s and/or Student Ministries have been adopted and will be enforced. We acknowledge that policies alone cannot insulate us from misconduct and harm, but we do hope and pray that our efforts will serve to protect our children, students, staff and volunteers.


Urban Hope Safety Committee
The Session of Urban Hope Community Church


 Faith Presbyterian Church Children’s and Student Ministries Policies and Procedures


Definitions and Structure

Overview of Safety System

Faith Presbyterian Church Safety Committee

Children’s and Student Ministries Monitoring Plan

General Guidelines for Both Children’s and Student Ministries

Guidelines Specific to Children’s Ministry

Guidelines Specific to Student Ministries


Definitions and Structure

The Urban Hope Community Church Children’s and Student Ministries Policies and Procedures (also referred to in this document as “this Policy”) includes policies and procedures for staff and volunteers in Urban Hope Community Church’s Children’s and Student Ministries. Urban Hope Children’s Ministries includes children from birth through the completion of 2nd grade. Urban Hope Student Ministries includes students who have completed 7th grade until the end of the summer after their 12th grade year. The Director of Children’s Ministries is the department director for Children’s Ministry and the Youth Director is the department director for Student Ministries. When the Policy refers to “the appropriate department director,” it refers to these two people. As specified above, the grade of the child will determine which department director should be involved.

The first section of this Policy contains general guidelines that apply to both Children’s and Student Ministries. The second section contains policies and procedures specific to Children’s Ministry. The third section contains policies and procedures specific to Student Ministries. All staff and volunteers must agree to follow all the guidelines contained in this Policy.

For the purposes of this Policy, a volunteer refers to an adult that is assigned to a role or position involving minors in Urban Hope Community Church’s programs or activities and receives no compensation for such service. Staff or staff member refers to any adult that is a paid employee of Urban Hope Community Church.


Overview of Safety System

Because we care for children and students and desire to protect them, Urban Hope Community Church requires all staff members and volunteers working with children and/or students to complete four safety steps before ministry work or volunteer placement begins. Urban Hope Community Church reserves the right to deny staff or volunteer placement at the discretion of church leadership.

Step One: Application Process

Staff members and volunteers are required to complete the Urban Hope Community Church’s Screening Process, which includes:

- An Employment Application and two references for new employees. (employees only)

- A Safety Application. Two references are required for new volunteers. References should be from past organizational work with minors.

- A face-to-face interview

*A volunteer must attend Urban Hope Community Church for six months before being eligible to serve in positions interacting with children or students.

Step Two: Policies & Procedures

Staff members and volunteers are required to review the policies and procedures contained in this Policy and sign the last page indicating that he or she has read and understood the material and agrees to comply with this Policy’s requirements.

Step Three: Sexual Abuse Awareness Training

Urban Hope Community Church policies and procedures require that staff members and volunteers avoid abusive behavior of any kind and report any inappropriate behaviors or policy violations to the appropriate area director or Executive Director of Operations. Staff members and volunteers should have a basic understanding of the characteristics of sexual abusers and their behaviors in ‘grooming’ a student for sexual abuse. Grooming is the process used by an abuser to select a child, win the child’s trust (and the trust of the child’s parent or ‘gatekeeper’), manipulate the child into sexual activity and keep the child from disclosing the abuse.

To equip Urban Hope Community Church staff members and volunteers with information necessary to recognize abuser characteristics and grooming behavior, Urban Hope Community Church requires all staff members and volunteers to complete sexual abuse awareness training. This training will be renewed on a periodic basis.

Step Four: National Criminal Background Check

Urban Hope Community Church requires that all staff members and volunteers working or volunteering in children’s or student activities or programming undergo a nationwide criminal background check. Depending upon position, differing levels or intensity of background check may be required.

Urban Hope Community Church Safety Committee


Recognizing the importance of providing and maintaining a safe environment for children and students, Urban Hope Community Church will appoint and maintain a Safety Committee, which will meet at least twice each year.


The purpose of the Safety Committee is to enable Urban Hope Community Church’s Children’s and Student Ministries to carry out appropriate ministry activities while safeguarding program participants against emotional, physical or sexual abuse.


The Safety Committee will be comprised of the following members:

1.     Executive Director of Operations

2.     Director of Children’s Ministry

3.     Shepherding Pastor

4.     Youth Director

5.     Ruling Elder assigned by the Session

6.     At-large member of the congregation


The Executive Director of Operations will chair the meeting of the Safety Committee on a semi-annual basis to discuss risk management practices and updates. The Safety Committee will also meet on an emergency basis upon the recommendation of a member or following the report of any incident or allegation.


The Safety Committee will be charged with the following duties:

  1. Applying existing Urban Hope Community Church policies and procedures related to children and student safety and risk management issues.

  2. Monitoring all Children’s and Student Ministries programs and activities for ongoing compliance with this Policy.

  3. Making recommendations regarding safety issues to the Urban Hope Session.



Children’s and Student Ministries Monitoring Plan

Monitoring of staff and volunteers will include regular (announced and unannounced) visits in each program to provide supervisors the opportunity to observe staff member and volunteer interactions with students.

  1. The appropriate department director conducts periodic verbal performance evaluations for paid staff positions in their department. These evaluations shall address participation in risk management training and adherence to risk management procedures in their respective department.


  1. The appropriate department director conducts an unscheduled observation at least once each month for onsite programs that occur weekly in their respective department.


  1. The Executive Director of Operations conducts an unscheduled observation of Children’s and Student Ministries programs at least once every six months.


  1. The Executive Director of Operations meets with the department directors at least once monthly to discuss Children’s and Student Ministries, including safety training and procedures.


  1. The Session meets with the department directors once each year to discuss Children’s and Student Ministries, including safety training and procedures.


 General Guidelines for Both Children’s and Student Ministries


Urban Hope Community Church has a zero tolerance for abuse in ministry programs and ministry activities. It is the responsibility of every staff member and volunteer at Urban Hope Community Church to act in the best interest of children and students in every program.


In the event a staff member or volunteer observes any inappropriate behaviors (i.e. policy violations, neglectful supervision, etc.) or suspected abuse or neglect (physical, emotional, or sexual), it is that individual’s responsibility to immediately report their observations to the appropriate department director or the Executive Director of Operations.

Urban Hope Community Church is committed to providing a safe, secure environment for children and their families. To this end, any report of inappropriate behaviors or suspicions of abuse or neglect of a child while in the care of Urban Hope Community Church will be taken seriously and will be addressed in accordance with this Policy and state law.

Because sexual abusers ‘groom’ children for abuse, it is possible a staff member or volunteer may witness behavior intended to ‘groom’ a child for sexual abuse. Staff members and volunteers are asked to report ‘grooming’ behavior or any suspicious behaviors to the appropriate department director or the Executive Director of Operations.

All questions or concerns related to inappropriate, suspicious, or suspected grooming behavior should be directed to the appropriate department director or the Executive Director of Operations.

Urban Hope Community Church leadership will take appropriate action on behalf of the church when a report occurs. If appropriate, the Executive Director of Operations will inform the appropriate law enforcement agencies or Child Protective Services.


Urban Hope Community Church staff members and volunteers who supervise other staff members or volunteers are charged with the diligent enforcement of all Church policies.

Any person accused of committing a prohibited act or any act considered by the church to be harmful to a child will be immediately suspended from participation in Children’s and/or Student Ministries.

Policy violation may result in discipline up to and including termination of an employee. Volunteers who violate this Policy may be restricted from participation in any future activities involving children or students at Urban Hope Community Church.

Failure to report a policy violation may result in discipline up to and including termination of an employee. Volunteers who fail to report a policy violation may be restricted from participation in any future activities involving children or students at Urban Hope Community Church.

Final decisions related to policy violations will be the responsibility of the Executive Director of Operations and the Session.


Exceptions to this Policy will be rare and must be approved in advance by the Urban Hope Community Church Session. Requests for such exceptions must be submitted in writing to the Clerk of the Session, and approval must be recorded in the Session minutes.


If for any reason a staff member, volunteer or other individual feels unable or uncomfortable to report suspicious behaviors, policy violations, misconduct, etc., that individual may make a confidential and anonymous (if so desired) report to the whistleblower hotline by calling (678) 518- 5304 or emailing The hotline is managed by a third-party firm; the appropriate church representative and agency will be notified.


Individuals who are considered mandatory reporters under Alabama state law must comply with all state laws regarding the report of child abuse or suspected child abuse.


God has also instituted parental authority in the lives of children students; staff members and volunteers must honor parents’ authority in every interaction with children and students.

Parents of children and students participating in Urban Hope Community Church’s activities and programs will be contacted if their child becomes severely ill, injured or has a severe disciplinary problem. Medication will not be given without the permission of a parent or guardian.


Urban Hope Community Church recognizes that there may be times when it is necessary or desirable for childcare workers (paid or volunteer) who are themselves under age 18 to assist in caring for children during programs or activities. The following guidelines apply to minor staff/volunteers:

  • Individuals must be at least age 14 to work or volunteer with children 2 years of age or younger. Such individuals must be interviewed by the appropriate department director before beginning to serve.

  • Elementary school children may assist their families in the nursery with children ages 3 and above.

  • Minor workers or volunteers must be under the direct supervision of a screened adult and must never be left alone with children.

  • Minor workers or volunteers will not be allowed to work or serve in Student Ministries.


Urban Hope Community Church is committed to protecting children and students in its care. To this end, Urban Hope Community Church has implemented a physical contact policy that promotes a positive, nurturing environment for our programs and activities. The following guidelines are to be carefully followed by anyone working or volunteering with our children and/or students:

  1. Hugging, pats on the back and other forms of appropriate physical affection between staff members or volunteers and students are important for children’s and students’ development and are generally suitable in the church setting.

  2. Inappropriate touching and inappropriate displays of affection are forbidden. Any inappropriate physical contact, touching or displays of affection should be immediately reported to the appropriate department director or the Executive Director of Operations.

  3. Physical contact should be for the benefit of the child or student and should never be based upon the emotional needs of a staff member or volunteer.

  4. Physical contact and affection should be given only in observable places or when in the presence of other children, students or staff members and volunteers. It is much less likely that touch will be inappropriate or misinterpreted as such when physical contact is open to observation.

  5. Physical contact in any form should not give even the appearance of wrongdoing. The personal behavior of staff or volunteers in the Children’s and Student Ministries must foster trust at all times. Personal conduct must be above reproach.

  6. Do not force any physical contact, touch or affection upon a reluctant child or student. A child’s or student’s preference not to be touched must be respected.

  7. Staff and volunteers are responsible for protecting children and students under their supervision from inappropriate or unwanted touch by others.

Any inappropriate behavior or suspected abuse must be reported immediately to the appropriate department director or the Executive Director of Operations.


Verbal interactions between staff and/or volunteers and children and/or students should be positive and uplifting. Urban Hope Community Church staff and volunteers should strive to keep verbal interactions encouraging, constructive, and mindful of their mission of aiding parents in the spiritual growth and development of children and students.

To this end, staff and volunteers should not talk to children and/or students in a way that is or could be construed by any reasonable observer as harsh, threatening, intimidating, shaming, derogatory, demeaning, or humiliating. In addition, staff and volunteers are expected to refrain from swearing or any other types of vulgar conversation (sexual jokes, racist comments, etc.) in the presence of children and/or students.


Staff members and volunteers are prohibited from possessing (or transmitting to any child or student) any sexually oriented materials (magazines, cards, images, videos, pictures, films, etc.) on church property. Staff and volunteers are prohibited from viewing, using, sharing or transmitting such materials in the presence of children or students, including those in electronic form.


Staff and volunteers in Urban Hope Community Church’s Children’s and Student Ministries should never be nude in the presence of children or students in their care. In the event there is a situation that may call for or contemplate the possibility of nudity (i.e. changing clothes during a pool party, weekend or overnight retreat, etc.), the staff member or volunteer leading the event will communicate a plan to the appropriate department director concerning arrangements for showering or changing clothes. Staff and volunteers must exercise and encourage modesty at all times.


Urban Hope Community Church will make use of security cameras in each room regularly used by UHCC’s Children’s Ministries. The cameras provide a measure of protection against the abuse of our children and unfounded accusations against employees, volunteers, or others.


Staff members and volunteers may from time to time be in a position to provide transportation for children or students. The following guidelines should be strictly observed when workers are involved in the transportation of children or students:

  1. Children and/or students should be transported directly to their destination. Unauthorized stops to a non-public place should be avoided.

  2. Staff members and volunteers should avoid physical contact with children and students while in vehicles.

  3. Staff members and volunteers should avoid distractions while driving and are expected to abide by all traffic laws.


Staff and volunteers are prohibited from the use of or being under the influence of alcohol, tobacco or any illegal drugs while working with or supervising children or students or traveling with children or students. Transmission of such substances to any child or student is also prohibited. (Sacramental use of wine for the Lord’s Supper is not prohibited.)

Guidelines Specific to Children’s Ministry


It is our policy that staff members and volunteers are prohibited from using physical discipline in any manner for behavioral management of children. No form of physical discipline is acceptable. This prohibition includes spanking, slapping, pinching, hitting, biting or any other physical force (or threats of such physical force) as retaliation or correction for inappropriate behaviors by children. Children are to be disciplined using time-outs and other non-physical methods of behavior management. In employing this procedure, staff members and volunteers should observe the following guidelines and, if deemed appropriate, may contact the parent or guardian:

  1. Verbally redirect the child before physically intervening. With younger children some physical redirection may be necessary (for example, removing a toy from the hands of a child that is hitting another).

  2. If the behavior does not cease, remove or direct the child away from the group to a corner of the room where the group is meeting (avoid being alone with the child).

  3. Provide the child with a simple, understandable reason for the time-out, and provide the child with clear explanation of your expectations. (“Jamie, you didn’t stop hitting Chris when I asked you to, so you need to sit quietly in the blue chair for three minutes.”) In addition, be verbally reassuring, as being removed from the group will likely upset the child. Do not physically hold a child in time-out.

  4. Provide the child with a chair to sit in or a “spot” to sit on (using a pillow, blanket, carpet square, etc.) until their time-out is complete.

  5. Follow the rule of thumb that a time-out is ineffective if it lasts longer than one minute for every year of the child’s life (3 years old, 3 minutes).

  6. Monitor the child through the entire time-out without giving your undivided attention. For longer time-outs, give intermittent verbal encouragement to reassure the child and keep them on task. (“Jamie, thank you for sitting quietly – just 2 more minutes.”)

  7. Affirm the child once he or she has completed the time-out and tell them that they are now able to rejoin the group. Remind them that repeating their initial behavior will result in further time-out. Follow this with encouraging words.

Uncontrollable or unusual behavior should be reported immediately to the parent or guardian and the Director of Children’s Ministry.


The Director of Children’s Ministry will be responsible for ensuring that the Children’s Ministry area is monitored during all classes and programs. This will include unobserved monitoring of staff members, volunteers, and children in children’s ministry classrooms. After every programming event, Children’s Ministry staff members and volunteers must ensure every room and restroom is checked prior to leaving.

No child will ever be left unattended in the Children’s Ministry area during children’s ministry programming or classes. Children’s Ministry staff members or volunteers shall make a reasonable effort to avoid being alone with an individual child in any room or building. In the event a staff member or volunteer finds himself/herself alone with a single child, that staff member or volunteer should take the child to a location that is open and observed by others. (Example: If a child is the last in a class to be picked up by a parent, open the classroom door or move to an adjoining room where other staff members or volunteers are present.)


Whenever possible, staff members and volunteers should avoid one-to-one, unobserved meetings or interactions with children while participating in Children’s Ministry activities or programs. In the rare event that a private counseling setting is needed, these meetings should be conducted with permission of the parents and in settings that are easily observable and interruptible, preferably in a Children’s Ministry room with security camera(s) in use.


Staff members and volunteers are prohibited from engaging in any sexually oriented conversations with children and are not permitted to discuss any inappropriate or explicit information about their own personal relationships, dating or sexual activities with any child in the program.


Staff members and volunteers in Children’s Ministry are expected to provide adequate supervision for children in their care while working in church programs. Reasonable effort will be made to have at least two adults present with every group of children.


Nursery children
Because nursery children may require complete assistance with their bathroom activities, all staff members and volunteers will observe the following policies:


  1. Only female nursery staff or volunteers or the child’s parent or legal guardian will undertake the diapering of children of either sex.

  2. Changing of diapers should be done in plain sight of other nursery workers.

  3. Children will never be left unattended on changing tables.

  4. Any special instructions given by parents leaving children in nursery to staff or volunteers will be noted on the check-in sheet. (“Seth has medicine in the bag for rash.”)

  5. Children should be re-diapered and re-clothed immediately upon the completion of changing their soiled diaper.

  6. Children’s diapers should be changed on changing stations only.

Toilet training

  1. No child will be forced to toilet train.

  2. Only female nursery workers or the child’s parent or legal guardian will participate in toilet training efforts with children of either sex.

  3. When children are taken into bathrooms the door will be left partially open.

  4. Nursery children will never be left unattended in bathrooms.

  5. Parents should be consulted on each child’s progress in the toilet training process before leaving the child with volunteers or staff members. Any special instructions given by parents leaving children in the nursery will be noted on the check-in sheet (“Georgia can use the toilet, but she needs to be reminded – ask her if she needs to go.”).

  6. Children should be verbally assisted where possible. If physical assistance is necessary, another staff member or volunteer should be present, when possible.

  7. “Accidents” should be handled by reassuring the child and completing the changing of diapers or underwear and clothing. Extra clothing and diapers are available in the children’s area, if the parent has not furnished a clothing change.

 School age children

School age children may be accompanied to the restroom for supervision and assistance when needed. Children should receive the minimum amount of assistance needed based upon their individual capabilities. Staff members and volunteers should never take a lone child to the restroom.

If a staff member or volunteer must go into the restroom to check on an individual child, he or she should seek out another worker to accompany him/her. If another worker is not available to accompany, he/she should go to the exterior bathroom door, knock and ask if the child needs assistance. If the child requires assistance, the worker should leave the exterior bathroom door open when entering the bathroom area and try to verbally assist the child in completing their activities, while the child remains behind the door of the bathroom stall. Any assistance with the straightening or fastening of garments should be done in the presence of another staff member or volunteer.

Special needs

Parents will offer instruction to staff members or volunteers to change the diapers of special needs individuals. For special needs individuals over the age of 4, parents or legal guardians will be called upon to change diapers.


At any time that a child has been entrusted to Children’s Ministry staff or volunteers, the Church incurs responsibility for the safety and welfare of the child. Staff members and volunteers must act to ensure the appropriate supervision and safety of children in their charge.

Children’s Ministry staff or volunteers are responsible for releasing children in their care only to parents, legal guardians or other persons designated by parents or legal guardians at the close of services or activities.

Children under the care of the Children’s Ministry must be picked up by a parent with a printed code label matching that of the code on their child’s or children’s name tag(s).

In the event that staff members or volunteers are uncertain of the propriety of releasing a child, they should immediately locate or contact the Director of Children’s Ministry before releasing the child.

 Guidelines Specific to Student Ministries


It is the policy of Urban Hope Community Church that staff members and volunteers are prohibited from using physical discipline in any way for behavior management of children or students. No form of physical discipline is acceptable. This prohibition includes spanking, slapping, pinching, hitting, or any other physical force as retaliation or correction or inappropriate behaviors by students. If a student is unruly or fails to comply with verbal warnings or instructions from staff/volunteers, that student will be asked to leave (if not endangered by doing so) or the student’s parent will be contacted to pick up the student. In the event of a fight or physical altercation, staff members/volunteers will verbally redirect students involved and will try to avoid physical intervention. Uncontrollable or unusual behavior should be reported immediately to parents and the Youth Director.


The Youth Director will be responsible for ensuring that the Student Ministries areas are monitored during all classes or programming. This will include unobserved monitoring of staff members, volunteers, and students in student classrooms or meetings. After every programming event, staff members and volunteers must ensure every room and restroom in the Student Ministries area is checked prior to leaving.

No student will ever be left unattended or unsupervised during Student Ministries programs or meetings. In the event a staff member or volunteer must be alone with a single student, that staff member or volunteer will notify at least one other adult, and the meeting will take place in a setting that is easily observable and interruptible. (Example: If a student desires additional conversation or counsel with a staff member or volunteer after regular programming has concluded, the staff member or volunteer should move to an adjoining room where other staff members or volunteers are present or move into a public space.)

Any two students together in an unseen or less easily viewed area should be redirected to another (more open) area.


Parents and other congregants may have opportunities to observe programs and activities in which students are involved. However, individuals who desire to participate in or have continuous, ongoing contact with children and students and/or Children’s and Student Ministries programs and activities will be required to complete the Church’s volunteer application and screening process outlined herein.


Urban Hope Community Church recognizes that meeting the emotional needs of students may occasionally require staff member and volunteers to minister to them on an individual basis. Staff Members and volunteers should observe the following guidelines when interacting with students:

  • Staff members and volunteers should conduct one-to-one meetings with an individual student at a time when others are present and where interactions can be easily observed and interrupted.

  • If a closed-door meeting must occur, the student staff member must inform another staff member BEFORE the meeting occurs, and the door remains unlocked. In the event a staff member or volunteer must be alone with a single student, that staff member or volunteer will notify at least one other staff member or volunteer BEFORE the meeting occurs. Reasonable effort shall be made for the meeting to take place in setting that is observable and interruptible.


Staff members and volunteers are not permitted to discuss any inappropriate or explicit information about their own personal relationships, dating or sexual activities with any student in the program. However, it is expected that from time to time, Student Ministries discussions and lessons may address issues related to purity, dating, sex and human sexuality. These lessons will normally occur in group settings and will convey the church’s views on these topics.


It is anticipated that certain Student Ministries activities may occasionally require that overnight sleeping arrangements be made for students and staff members and volunteers (i.e. conferences, mission trips, retreats, etc.). In the event an activity requires sleeping arrangements, staff members and volunteers will strictly observe the following rules:

  1. An individual student should not sleep or spend the night alone with a staff member or volunteer.

  2. All adults must have previously completed the Church’s screening and training process.

  3. Overnight sleeping arrangements must be approved by the Youth Director prior to the activity.

  4. Staff and volunteers should check with parents and use good judgment regarding PG or PG- 13 movies. No R-rated movies are permitted.

  5. Appropriately modest sleeping attire must be worn; both tops and bottoms.

  6. In the event of any sleepover that involves both boys and girls, boys and girls must sleep in separate rooms, properly supervised by staff/volunteers of the same gender.

  7. Staff members and volunteers will monitor sleeping students by periodically conducting visual bed checks to ensure that sleeping students remain in designated sleeping places. During bed checks, staff members and volunteers should never physically touch a student.

  1. Whenever possible, reasonable effort will be made to have at least one staff member or volunteer sleeping in the same area (but not same bed) as students.

  2. In the event that overnight arrangements do not include standard beds, each staff member, volunteer, and student will use single sleeping bags or blankets. In these instances, a “one- person-to-one bag or blanket” rule will be observed.